Export menu of the Access Statistics for non-administrators
I would like you to make the access statistics export menu available to non-administrative users.
I think this can be achieved by allowing the user to select the destination folder after clicking the export menu.
【Current status and issues】
Currently, only co-administrators or administrators who have the authority to output reports can export access statistics.
General users other than administrators can check the access statistics, but cannot export them to a file.
The PR department has voiced the desire to export access statistics to a file.
However, we do not want to give them co-administrator privileges because of the following problems.
I don't want to give co-administrator privileges because of the following problems:
- It is possible to output reports on activities of other departments.
- The co-administrators are not covered by device trust.
【Use cases (raised by users)】
- Confirmation of viewing results for videos released internally
→Format the exported file and compare it with the user list to find unviewed users
→Format the exported file and compare it with the list of users and their departments to understand the trend.
Therefore, it would be great if you could make it possible for non-administrators to export access statistics.