I want to display the same date and time as the original file when I preview the file.
Please fix the following issues in the preview, which are also noted as known limitations:.
[Excerpt from the article]
Excel preview does not follow time information in the original file. When previewing Excel documents in Box, the time-related functions (for example, TODAY() or TIME()) do not display accurately. This is because Excel date/time functions are dynamic, while the previewed document is static. Box preview obtains and displays the date the file was previewed. A static version of the time/date is displays in the previewed document, based on the time the preview was generated.
reference article
Our company uses Excel to manage the timing of product orders and deliveries, and shares these files with external collaborators in an effort to link information efficiently. While it has been important to be able to confirm accurate information without using a native application, inaccuracy of date information has been raised as a concern by users inside and outside the company, and has become a problem that hinders company-wide deployment. Therefore, I hope that the same date and time as the original file will be correctly displayed on the preview screen.