I would like to see the "running application" pop-up automatically removed after the application is opened.
When you open a native Office application in Box Edit, Box displays the message "Running application".
The above message remains even after the file is opened, but it's hard to tell if the file is open or not, so can you change the function so that it disappears automatically after the application is launched in Office?
Box EditでOffice系のネイティブアプリを開いた際に"アプリケーションを起動しています"というメッセージがBoxには表示されます。

Anonymous commented
When I open an Office application in OfficeOnline, the message "Microsoft *** Online is running" appears in the preview screen.
When you open an Office application in OfficeOnline, the message "Microsoft *** Online is running" will appear in the preview screen, and the OfficeOnline that you are actually editing will be opened in a separate tab.The message "Microsoft *** Online is running" is displayed in the preview screen when OfficeOnline is opened in a separate tab.
The above message "Microsoft *** Online is running" does not need to remain on the original preview screen after closing the OfficeOnline opened in a separate tab.Please add a feature to turn on/off the "Microsoft *** Online is running" message in the settings.
OfficeOnlineでOffice系のアプリを開いた際に"Microsoft *** Online を起動しています"というメッセージが、
プレビュー画面に表示され、実際編集が行われるOfficeOnlineは別タブで開かれます。別タブで開かれたOfficeOnlineを閉じた後に上記"Microsoft *** Online を起動しています"というメッセージが、
元のプレビュー画面に残り続けるのは操作を行う上で不要です。そのため"Microsoft *** Online を起動しています"というメッセージが、設定でオン/オフにできるよう機能追加をお願いいたします。