Default sort by date to descending (most recent first)
The default sort order is Alphabetical by folder name. When I sort by Updated date, it defaults to ascending -- oldest items first. I'm most often looking for something in a folder that was updated very recently; I would prefer that the default for sorting by Updated date be descending -- newest items first.

Anonymous commented
Users used to be able to have a default sort so if they set their sort to Last Updated it would stick that way as they navigated the site. I don't know if this was universal for the user in all folders, or if it would stick to a single folder for that user. At a minimum, it feels like each user should have a Setting in their Profile where they can define if they want to default to sorted by Name or Updated and that is how every folder loads when they first enter it.
If they want to change it to the other sort method for a given folder it would be great if their cookies would help remember they changed that folder, but not a deal-breaker.
Anonymous commented
I swear this was working at one point! It works with the Collections today by default. I feel like it should be a personal setting.
Anonymous commented
It's ridiculous that this isn't an option. PLEASE FIX.
Anonymous commented
We have users requesting to have an option to display most recent content on top for the user account. I understand that we can click UPDATED to sort the content. However, the content display keeps on defaulting back to by NAME.
It would be nice that we can set for content to display most recent on top instead of clicking the UPDATED twice all the time when using Box. -
Anonymous commented
I agree. This is basic functionality that should exist. At a minimum, Box should change the default so that the most recent is first. Who wants the oldest documents first? Answer: nobody.
Anonymous commented
Not sure why the Box program does not offer a default for folders/files to sorted descending not ascending. Who or what application does it benefit for the folders/files to be defaulted to the ascending, other than the constant secondary clicking of a mouse to hit the name sort button.
John Nickell commented
I could have sworn that previously all of my folders were sorted by date (most recent first) now they seem to be sorted by name. I'm not sure if something changed or I'm misremembering, but it's pretty annoying to sort a folder by update date (recent first) and then need to do it for each of the subfolders that I'm navigating through.