Ability to resize photos uploaded from Box Capture
The size of the photos taken and uploaded by Box Capture is about 5MB each.
In addition to Box, we also sync uploaded items to our on-premise server, so there is a capacity control on the server side, and a 5MB image is too large.
We would like to be able to choose some upper limit of capacity when we take a picture with Box Capture.
(We would like to have the ability to automatically resize the image when shooting in Box Capture).
(e.g. high quality mode, standard quality mode, low quality mode, etc.)
<Box Captureからアップロードされた写真をリサイズする機能>
Box Captureで撮影し、アップロードされた写真のサイズは、1枚約5MB程度です。
Box Captureで撮影する際に、容量の上限値をいくつか選択できるようにしてほしい。
(Box Captureで撮影時に画像のサイズを自動的にリサイズする機能が欲しい)

thank you for sharing this idea with us. This suggestion is an existing feature, to change photo size please navigate to 'Settings' -> 'Continuous Capture' -> 'Photo Quality' and choose desired option. Hope this is helpful.
Thank you for helping make Box better!