Secure open link - Require email address verification with one-time password
Please add "Require email address confirmation by one-time password" to the Open Link settings.
This will allow the access statistics to show the email addresses of users who have accessed from the open link, so that you can determine if the access is suspicious or not.
【Problem to be solved】
The current open link is not secure enough.
This is because it is not possible to determine who accessed the file.
With the current use, if a user who is not logged in to Box accesses from an open link, the access history only shows the IP address and expected region.
The IP address can only be used to guess the network used, and the expected region is wrong in some cases.
It is impossible for the IT management department to monitor whether the open link is a pathway for information leakage.
【Idea Details】
Allow users to select "Require email address verification with one-time password" when issuing an Open Link.
If this setting is enabled, the following actions will be taken
<If the user accessing is logged in to Box>
Displayed as before, without change.
<If the user accessing is not logged in to Box>
(1) The user will be asked to enter email address.
The one-time password will be sent to the address he/she entered.
(3) The user will be asked to enter one-time password.
(4) When the user enter the correct one-time password, he/she will be able to open the open link.
(5)The email address entered will be displayed in the file access history.
【Additional idea】
If you realize this request, it will also be possible to restrict open links with a domain whitelist. I have raised the request in the following ticket.
Secure open link② - Domail whire list for open link

Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented
【Reply to comment on Dec. 15 ,2021】
Yes, I agree with you.
This request is "a system that can determine the source of access", but what is more important in actual information security is "the ability to restrict the source of access".And I was posting the following Pulse as a mechanism for this purpose. you would like to vote for this request, I would appreciate it if you could vote for this request as well.
Note that the above Pulse assumes that the user issuing the shared link, not the administrator, specifies the domain list or email address of the OTP destination. -
Anonymous commented
The purpose of this ask is to "determine if the access is suspicious or not".
Email addresses can be generated on the fly (in Yahoo and Gmail) and often compromised by malicious persons. Even if the email is valid, there is no guarantee that user has non-ill intent.
Rather, I propose the following amendments to this:
1. Openly shared links may have a Time-to-Live, after which the link's data is no longer accessible
2. We associate labels with the open link so we can classify what type of data it contains.
3. We can restrict the domain of email addresses using regexs. (i.e.,,
I would like to know your opinions on this. -
Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented
(3) ワンタイムパスワードの入力を求められます。
(4) 正しいワンタイムパスワードを入力すると、オープンリンクを開くことができます。
セキュアなオープンリンク② - オープンリンクのDomainホワイトリスト -
AdminDaniel Kaplan (Admin, Box) commented
We want to make a link where we always know the ID of the people accessing it - an in-between state from the open link to the other login-required ones