Access Control Restrictions by user
As a administrator, I would like the ability to turn off certain Access Control Restrictions across all collaborators vs. limiting it to specific collaborator roles.
Download / Print Restrictions.
we would still like users to leverage the app but, not allow them to download/print to their mobile device. Yes, the app function can be disable enterprise-wide but, we want to limit it to a specific function within the mobile app regardless of their collaborator role.

Anonymous commented
We would like to see the addition of the ability to grant permissions only to the owner for access policies as well.
We have learned that Box Shield will allow us to grant permission to change classifications only to the owner. addition to the classification change permissions, the customer would like to make the access policy "Restrict Downloading and Printing" also owner-only for managed users.
Therefore, We would like to see the addition of the ability to grant permissions only to the owner for access policies as well.[日本語訳]
アクセスポリシーも所有者のみに権限付与する機能を追加してほしいです。私たちはBox Shieldで、分類の変更権限を所有者のみ権限付与することができるようになることを知りました。お客様は分類変更の権限に加え、アクセスポリシーの「ダウンロードと印刷の制限」も管理対象ユーザーも所有者のみにしたいと考えています。