Workflow approval tasks: More than one must approve and less than all may approve a workflow approval task.
Workflow approval tasks: More than one must approve and less than all may approve a workflow approval task.
Today, if I want to invite 3 people to approve a task, but I only need 2/3 to approve it, then this is not an option. Similarly, if I want to invite 10 people to approve a task, but I only need 6/10 to approve it, then this is not an option.
I only have the option for one person to approve it or for everybody to approve it.

AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Workflow approval tasks: More than one must approve and less than all may approve a workflow approval task.
Today, if I want to invite 3 people to approve a task, but I only need 2/3 to approve it, then this is not an option. Similarly, if I want to invite 10 people to approve a task, but I only need 6/10 to approve it, then this is not an option.
I only have the option for one person to approve it or for everybody to approve it.