Additional suggestions for creating reports by specifying keys when creating Box reports
I want to accurately manage the content owned by the tenant's managed users. Currently, I am creating a report of "folders and files" of Box to retrieve data, and the output report is divided into 1 million object units. (My tenant is currently making about 70.).
Since these reports are not sorted and the contents owned by each user are output to a file separately, they cannot be used even if they can be output at the same time. Our company automates report merging and folder sorting, which can take several hours.
As an improvement request, it is requested to improve the current item "owner name, owner login, path, path ID, item name, item ID, item type, size, creation, last modified date, upload" so that it can be sorted by the specified field and output. The most desirable condition now is to sort and output "paths" as keys.
By adding this function, the user can visualize how much data exists in the current BOX and how it is used. By visualizing all file information, we believe that we can reduce the risk of data leakage by allocating the man-hours required for operation to each company in the group, deleting data that is not always needed, and implementing archiving. Please Consider adding features to Box reports.