Add More Granular Control Over Group Management for Co-Admins
I have a use case where I have my Marketing Manager setup as a Co-Admin with permissions to edit metadata templates. We'd now like her to also be able to manage the groups that controls access to marketing's folders. The problem is, because she's a co-admin Box won't allow us to assign her as a group admin. The only way we can allow her to admin the groups is to also give her Manage Groups access as part of her co-admin role. The issue with that is it would give her the ability to manage all groups, which we do not want.
It would be great if the co-admin functionality would allow us to select a list of groups that the co-admin can manage OR make it so that co-admins that don't have permissions to manage groups could also be assigned the Group Admin role.

Greg Wilson commented
Similar use case here, we have a subset of users that require co-admin permissions to manage legal hold policies. They also need to manage a large number of groups as Group Admins, because they should not be able to manage all groups for security reasons.
I also agree Box should make it so that co-admins that don't have permissions to manage groups could also be assigned the Group Admin role.