Box Sign - Send documents to CC recipient prior to full execution of document
I would like for the individual(s) who are marked as Copy in the signature order to be able to receive the document prior to it being fully executed by every other person in the signing order.
We have clients where one person signs, but others want to receive the document simultaneously even though they're not signing, and if we use Approver for their role, 95% of the time they are unaware they have an action and the document never gets passed them in the signing order.
Please allow Copy individuals to have a place in the signing order other than at the very end.

Adele Wardley commented
Posting in support of this request - we too have a number of customers whereby one spouse does most of the 'admin' but the other needs to sign legally on some docs. We need to ensure the person (be it admin assistant or spouse) knows that doc is with the signer and waiting on them to action it.
Anonymous commented
We have the same need as Val. An assistant often needs to manage the signer to make sure they sign the requested document. I need a way to make the assistant aware of the signing request.
Val Rozansky commented
There should be a CC role in Box Sign. We often need to send a copy of the contract to an assistant or someone else on the team that will remind the signer about the contract in question. Multiple people could be given a CC role to receive a copy of the contract and signed and counter-signed versions.