Additional requirement to know in advance how long it will take to cascade metadata
I would like to improve the time to add the Box metadata instance to the folder.This section explains the background of the improvement request.
The following article from Box states that the time to complete adding a metadata instance to a folder varies depending on the size of the structure.
・Excerpt from the above article
What is the expected time from file upload to metadata cascade?
Applying metadata via the cascade policy is not an immediate action, and may take some time depending on the size of the folder structure.
[Improvement Request Details]
When I actually use this feature, it can take an hour and a half, or five or six hours, to add a metadata instance to a folder. It is difficult to use it for business, so I would like you to improve it. For example, we would like Box to shorten the time to complete the setup or improve it so that the user can understand the time to complete the setup.
Thank you for your consideration.