Box Sign able to collaborates with the common Box Folder approval.
We would like to request to enabled the Box Sign to collaborates with the common Box Folder approval. So the BOX Sign can add a General Task or Approval Task to a document. And also including following important items :
- The Approver/Signer able to give some feedback or comment along the way of approval process before taking action (Accepted/Declined).
- If any issues during the approval process, the Requester able to modify or amend the document and then upload new version.
- If the request is Declined by the Approver/Signer, Requester able to continue the approval once document has been revised or amended. (No need to start from the very beginning)
- The signature able to fit perfectly to the BOX sign template.
Simply saying, we would like to request to add on all the functions in the common BOX Folder into BOX Sign.