Fix Version History for Co-Authored Files
Now that co-authoring is available on Office files (which is a great feature!) version history is paying the price. On files that are edited often, the version history is growing out of control which leads to two primary issues:
1 - Since only the last 100 versions of a file are available, the significant increase in versions caused by co-authoring means you may only have a few days worth of version history instead of months or years of history. Consider more version history and/or the ability to specify on a file how often an "accessible" version is saved for viewing later (say once a day or once a week for instance).
2 - The version history pane is very slow to load. Some performance optimizations are needed for the large increase in versions.

Anonymous commented
We have version control set to "unlimited" in our tenant and plan to turn on co-authoring soon. I'm concerned about the limitation that we can only access the most recent 99 versions of any file. When co-authoring is turned, on the version count will jump significantly - especially when multiple users are in a file at the same time editing/saving. We will need the ability to access more than 99 versions.