Improvement of the interval at which the version history of BoxNotes is automatically saved
As the support article below states, "While you're working in Box Notes, we automatically save your changes as a new version roughly every 5 minutes or after 5 minutes of inactivity. "
However, if you continue to operate, it will only update the "current version" and will not automatically save a new version every 5 minutes.
We would like to improve the function so that the version will be updated every 5 minutes even if the operation is being performed continuously.
In addition, since there is information that would be troublesome if it disappears due to an operation error, etc., we would like the function to be enhanced so that the user can also save the version history manually.
※The following text has been added to the previous submission.
"In addition, since there is information that would be troublesome if it disappears due to an operation error, etc., we would like the function to be enhanced so that the user can also save the version history manually."
URL of the previous post:
下記サポート記事で「Box Notesで作業している間は、およそ5分間隔で、または何も操作しない状態が5分間続くと、新しいバージョンが自動的に保存されます。」と記載されています。