Ability to select BoxEdit even when Box for Microsoft Office co-editing is enabled.
When Box for Microsoft Office co-editing is enabled, microsoft office files cannot be edited in Box Edit.
However, there are use cases where we may not want to co-edit.
Even if the Box for Microsoft Office co-editing feature is enabled, we want to choose whether or not we want to edit in Box Edit.
Box for Microsoft Office coauthoring – Box Support
【Box for Microsoft Office共同編集機能が有効化状態でもBoxEditを選択できる機能】
Box for Microsoft Office共同編集機能を有効にすると、microsoft officeファイルはBox Editで編集できません。
Box for Microsoft Office共同編集機能が有効化されている場合でも、Box Editで編集するかどうか選択したい。