Access Box AI via search bar. Generate Box AI insights from ALL internal Box content that I have permission to, not just individual files
E.g. we have years of contracts and legal research on a variety of different issues - articles, contract templates, white papers, screenshots, etc.
We would like to have Box AI trained on our own research and contracts, that can help generate contract clauses - like, "based on our own data, generate a warranty provision for a client that operates a SaaS data storage service" with a result that provides suggestions and Box links back to the documents where it found those suggestions.
I believe there are legal tech companies rushing to create these kinds of legal tools, but we wanted to explore if Box AI would satisfy that basic scenario right from the source.

AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Alternatively, give me the option to generate Box AI insights from:
- ALL internal Box content that I have permission to access.
- Select multiple folders/files that I have permission to access (e.g. maybe I want to juxtapose two legal contracts and have Box AI tell me what language is different between them).
- Only one file that I am currently accessing.