Wish to improve the custom terms in the classification settings to include the string custom term + string in the search.
The following rules apply to custom terms in the classification settings:
Also, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type (letters or digits) from the adjacent characters within the word. For example:
if the policy looks for "Acme-Internal", the scan will match on "Acme Internal", "acme-internal", "Acme - Internal", "Acme (INTERNAL)", "Acme: Internal", "728Acme-Internal", "Acme - Internal728", "Acme-Internal-728", and so on, but not "Acme-Internalization", or "Acem-Internal".
if the policy looks for "AcmeInternal", the scan will match on "acmeinternal", "AcmeINTERNAL", "AcmeInternal4u", and so on, but not "Acme Internal", "Acme_Internal", "AcmenInternalization", "Acme"
Japanese is a language in which "hyphens" and "spaces" between words are extremely rare.
Therefore, even if another string of characters is connected to a string, the meaning of the characters is not completely changed, and the original characters often have the same meaning.
In this case, it is too inconvenient to exclude a custom term from the search just because there is another string before or after the string.
We would like to see an improvement so that not only numeric + string custom terms, but also string custom terms + string are included in the search target.
■In Japanese
さらに、一致の前後にある文字の種類 (文字または数字) は、単語内で隣接する文字と同じであってはなりません。 以下に例を示します。
ポリシーで「Acme-Internal」を検索すると、「Acme Internal」、「acme-internal」、「Acme - Internal」、「Acme (INTERNAL)」、「Acme: Internal」、「728Acme-Internal」、「Acme - Internal728」、「Acme-Internal-728」などと一致しますが、「Acme-Internalization」または「Acem-Internal」とは一致しません。
ポリシーで「AcmeInternal」を検索すると、「acmeinternal」、「AcmeINTERNAL」、「AcmeInternal4u」などと一致しますが、「Acme Internal」、「Acme_Internal」、「AcmenInternalization」、「Acme」とは一致しません。