Preventing images pasted in Box Notes from becoming individual files
When I paste an image into Box Notes, the image is created as a separate file from the Note and the public range is controlled by a shared link.
If I want to set a publication range other than the default setting, I have to change the publication range on a file-by-file basis.
Therefore, we request the improvement of the functionality by either of the following.
-Store image data in Box Notes as in Box Canvas, so that files are not separated.
-The ability to collectively control the disclosure range of shared links for files stored in folders.
■In Japanese:
Box Notesに画像を貼り付けると、その画像はNoteとは個別のファイルとして作成され、共有リンクで公開範囲が制御されます。
・Box Canvasと同様、Box Notes内に画像データを保存し、ファイルが別にならないようにする。