Uploading files with exactly the same hash value on BoxDrive should not be recorded as a 'copy' in the user activity report
If I upload a new file on Box Drive and then upload the same file (with the same hash value) again, the server copies the first uploaded file to reduce load and the user activity report records it as a copy. Even if these two file names are different!
In this case, if I have a workflow triggered by 'upload' in Box Relay, the trigger may not work because the event is considered a copy.
This behaviour is a limitation of the product specification, but I would like a fix so that it is treated as an upload.
■In Japanese
Box Drive にてファイルを新規アップロード後に、同じファイル(ハッシュ値が同じファイル)を再度アップロードすると、負荷軽減のためにサーバー側で1回目のアップロードされたファイルをコピーする動作となり、ユーザーアクティビティレポートにはコピーして記録されます。たとえ2つのファイル名が異なっている場合でもそのような動きになります。