Concurrently list the EIDs of the sandbox and primary tenant in the “Enterprise ID” field in Account & Billing.
We currently use several Box tenants.
We have created a sandbox for each tenant, but we are having trouble confirming which sandbox is tied to which primary tenant.
Please write the EID of the sandbox and the EID of the primary tenant together in “Enterprise ID” in the Administration Console > Account & Billing.
Enterprise ID:123456 (Primary tenant: 456789)
■「アカウントと請求」の「Enterprise ID」欄に、サンドボックスとプライマリテナントのEIDを併記する
管理コンソール>アカウントと請求 の「Enterprise ID」にサンドボックスのEIDとプライマリテナントのEIDを併記してください。
Enterprise ID:123456(プライマリテナント:456789)