Request for improvement of the UI for granting permissions displayed on the content card in Box for Teams
If you try to grant permission before sending a message, you will see the error message "Return to the main window to perform this action"
We are aware that this behavior is documented in a support article.
However, the permission prompts on the content cards are confusing because they seem to require immediate action to grant permissions.
We would like to see the UI improved so that it is clear that permissions can only be granted after the message has been sent.
suggestion1:Display a message that lets users know that they cannot grant permission until after they send a message.
suggestion2:Display permission grant message in permission prompt on content card after sending message
*Using Box for Teams:
「To Post a shared link from Box in a Teams Channel or Chat:」
4.You need to send the message before you can grant permissions. If you try to grant permissions before sending the message, an error message Return to the main window to perform this action appears.
<Box for Teamsの、コンテンツカードに表示される権限付与のUI改善依頼>
*Box for Teamsの使用:
4.権限を付与する前に、メッセージを送信する必要があります。 メッセージの送信前に権限を付与しようとすると、メインウィンドウに戻って、この操作を実行してください。 というエラーメッセージが表示されます。