Request for improvement of behavior when posting a shared link of a Box folder in a Teams channel or chat
When you post a Box shared link in a Teams channel or chat, you'll see a Grant Access card with the option to grant users additional permissions if the following conditions are true:
condition:If there are channel members or chat members who do not have access permissions to the shared folder or file.
*This includes channel members and chat members who are invited as a group but not directly invited as users.
The support article states that when you grant access, the card will update and a content card with file details will be displayed.
However, when you post a shared link for a folder and grant access, although it says "A response has been sent to the app,"
the card does not update and the card for granting permissions continues to be displayed.
After investigating, we received a response from your company (Box) stating that the content of the support article only applies to files and that this is currently the expected behavior.
However, in addition to files, shared links to folders are sometimes posted, and the current behavior is confusing to users.
For this reason, we would like to see this improved so that the behavior for folders is the same as for files.
*Using Box for Teams:
「Posting a link from Box in a Teams Channel or Chat」
5.Once you grant the access, the card refreshes to show the content card with file details.
*Box for Teamsの使用: