Box for Teams Content Card Support for Group Invites
We have confirmed that when collaborating as a group rather than as a direct collaborator, the content card behaves differently than described in the article.
After investigating with your company (Box), we were told that content card behavior for group invitations is not currently supported.
Therefore, to avoid confusion for users, we would like you to take the following action.
1.The article should clearly state that the operation of content cards for group invitations is not currently supported.
2.In the future, we would like to see content cards for group invitations also be supported.
【Target article】:
Using Box for Teams:
【Checked behavior】:
1.Content card not updating even after granting access permissions
Article Contents:
To Post a shared link from Box in a Teams Channel or Chat:
5.Once you grant the access, the card refreshes to show the content card with file details.
Actual behavior:
When attempting to grant access, the message "Response sent to app" is displayed, but the card is not updated and the card for granting permissions remains displayed.
*It has been confirmed that the posted Box shared link itself can be sent to the other party and that the other party has received it.。
2.Even if the same operation is performed, the number of inaccessible chat members displayed on the content card may differ.
Article Contents:
Difference between Channels and Chats
・When sharing a file in a chat message, Box indicates the specific number of chat members who lack access (it does not indicate this in a channel message).
By granting members access to the file, you are making them collaborators (as compared to channel members, to whom you’re simply granting file access).
・The sender, recipient A, and recipient B belong to the same group.
・All three were invited to the shared link folder as part of a group, and were not direct collaborators.
・The group has editor privileges
Actual behavior:
・When the sender sends a chat to recipient A: The content card displays the message "You cannot view this file shared by two users."
・When the sender sends a chat to recipient B: The content card displays the message "You can't view this file shared by a user."
<Box for Teamsのグループ招待時のコンテンツカードのサポートについて>
Box for Teamsの使用:
・チャットメッセージでファイルを共有すると、アクセスできないチャットメンバーの具体的な数が表示されます (これは、チャネルメッセージでは表示されません)。
ファイルへのアクセスをメンバーに許可すると、そのメンバーはコラボレータになります (チャネルメンバーの場合は、ファイルへのアクセスを許可するだけです)。