Box has recently changed the way file verssions count against storage quota.
With a Personal Pro account type there is no way to limit the number of file versions its set at 10. This makes 100gb of storage into 10gb of storage with each file saved 10 times. I'd like to see an option to limit or turn off file versions as I understand the Enterprise edition has. Also, there is no way to quickly delete all these unnecessary and unwanted file versions. I was told we need to click each file and delete each version one by one. I'd like to see a quick global way to delete old file versions.
Overnight my storage went from 90gb used to 170gb used do to the change made to the way versions are counted toward total quota. I didn't know about versions before this and certainty don't want them. I have 500,000 files all mostly less than 25mg but with each one being stored up to 10 times with with no way to stop it or remove them my box sync account is suddenly not functional. I'll never be able to re-move all the versions and have no desire to be forced to pay 5x more to be enterprise when there are other similar software such as dropbox that is already cheaper than box and giving much more storage and compatibility. I had box set up and working well enough for me for 7 or 8 years now but since they broke it with this change, I hope they will fix it with some additional changes I've suggested here, I'll have to set up a dropbox account. If this software issue isn't resolved before my renewal date then I just wont renew. I hope it is, I prefer not to change, just being forced too.