We would like to enhance the precision of exact match searches.
We would like to enhance the precision of exact match searches.
Even when using double quotation marks (““), the search results ignore case sensitivity. Additionally, if spaces or symbols (!#/, etc.) are included within the quotes, they are ignored instead of performing an exact match.
For example, when I enter "Customer Support", the search results include "customer support" and "CUSTOMER SUPPORT". Similarly, when I enter "Customer/Support", the same results are displayed.
【in Japanese】
完全一致検索で二重引用符 (““)を使っているのに中の語句が大文字小文字関係なく検索結果に出てしまう。
また、二重引用符 (““)の中の言葉に空白スペースを入れた場合や記号(!#/など)を入れた場合、完全一致ではなく無視されてしまう。
例:"Customer Support”と入力した場合、検索結果に「customer support」や「CUSTOMER SUPPORT」という結果が混ざる。