The Ability to Search for Users by Secondary Email Address
In the Admin Console, there is currently no way to search for users by their secondary email address.
When the Admin goes to create a new user with an email address that is already in use by an existing account, they have no way of seeing who is using the email address without checking their users' account details individually.

This suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap. We are currently focusing on improving the current experience to manage users in the Admin Console before we add enhancements to search.
Anonymous commented
This is still an issue and it has been nearly two years since you stated you were working to improve the admin experience. With no change to the admin experience I have to strongly disagree with your "NOT PLANNED" disposition of this request.
Please reconsider
Radhika Chandrasekhar commented
When you search for an email in the admin console - it's only primary login and not against aliases. Admins need a way to easily search for a user by any email associated with their Box account.