HD Video Preview: Allow User to Download the Lower Quality (720P, 480P, etc.) Renditions of Video Files
With HD Preview, users can choose the quality of the video in the Preview (based on network/bandwidth speed, etc.), but users cannot download those downsampled/lower quality 'renditions'.
REQUEST: Allow users to download the lower quality renditions of video files on Box. For example, I upload a 1080P file, and I can choose to Preview the video in reduced 720P or 480P quality, and I can also choose to download those same renditions if I'd like. Think of it like adding a 'which quality/size output would you like?' option added after clicking 'download' for a video file.

Thank you for the suggestion!
Providing a way to create a copy of an HD video, but at a lower quality so that it is easily downloadable is a low priority for the team.
It’s a niche use case at the moment and there’s a workaround (use a tool to downscale the video and upload that in addition to the HD video into Box).