Better controls around external folders
You can't control permissions, shared links, or back up on files or folders shared from an External Collaborator.

Box Admin Admin commented
we have use cases where an external collaborator creates a working folder and shares it to us. The data that is shared is our data and we've had instances where they accidentally delete it and we cannot recover it. We would like to have this data backed up by our data back up service but it won't include external files.
We have a rule that only we can create the folders and share them out but this sometimes is accidentally overlooked. In addition, Box does not have an option to "block outside collaborator invitations" only an option to completely turn off inbound/outbound sharing or white list domains.
AdminModerator (@ Box, Box) commented
Hi Adam - can you provide more information around this use case? When would you want to be able to have this level of control for a folder *someone else* shared with you?