Support Drag & Drop from Box Web App to Outlook
Please enable the ability to drag and drop files FROM Box Web App TO Outlook email client (including the option to insert them as links OR to add them as normal attachments). Currently there is no native Drag and Drop functionality available between the Box Web App and Outlook. Therefore, the process to add file attachments/links to emails via the Web App or Outlook Plug-In is actually currently LESS efficient with BOX than without it. Since BOX Drive is not available for virtual clients (such as Terminal Server or Citrix), their only option is to use the Web App or Outlook Plug-In, but neither of those options is as seamless or efficient as Drag & Drop. In addition, the ability to choose whether or not to drag them in as links OR attachments is also important, since there are many workflows and outside companies who's automated email processing systems and workflows do not support embedded links, so the ability to send normal attachments to those companies using box is also important.

Due to other higher priority items, this will not be planned at this time.