Custom branding appear for collaboration invites
We would like custom branding to appear for collaboration invites.

Anonymous commented
Many external collaborators comment suspected phishing when receiving our Box collaboration invites. Not enough information is relayed in the sharing message. This causes loss of productivity.
The invite messages that external collaborators receive should be more customizable to allow company branding and preset invitation messages to relay that they are reliable.
Anonymous commented
This enhancement is much needed in our enterprise. We have multiple businesses that all under our corporate umbrella that compete for the same exact business in a region but are branded differently. The ability to, let's say, have a template that allows us to brand that "collaboration" email with our logo and brand name would be very helpful to our businesses. Also, we want the receiver of that collaboration email to be "comfortable" that it is coming from us and not just as a generic Box request. We all know people are afraid to click on things in email nowadays. The receiver sees that that email is "branded" with our logo and name and the URL is branded the same, they will be ok moving forward. Once they are "in" the Box platform, doesn't really matter at that point. They feel comfortable that they are in the right place.
Anonymous commented
This is a feature that we have been asking for some time now and it would be great if we could get Box to enable/set this up for us.
Grayson Lievens commented
Yes please. This is often the first email we send to our clients regarding Box and we have to warn them that they will get an email that is from us but doesn't look like it is. Really quite a bother.