Remove or filter out particular Box Notes from Inbox without deleting
The Box Notes Inbox contains a long list of items that are shared with me but that I may never access again. I can't remove my collaborations because they are stored within enterprise-owned folders that are shared with the entire company at a high level (e.g. all "Projects" are shared with the entire company in case we need to reference them, but I am not part of the project team for most of them). We would like a way to remove or filter certain Box Notes from the Inbox so it is less cluttered.

Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, we are unable to prioritize this against our other priorities at this time.
Anonymous commented
For me who have to use Box notes daily, strongly agree on this request, it's hard to manage the inbox because it is cluttered with Box notes that my colleagues shared once to me, but which are no longer relevant to my work.
Anonymous commented
I second to it. I deleted very important note that I forgot that I opened once in a past and another manager was using it a lot. It shouldn't be in my list to begin with.
Anonymous commented
100% agree. Would like to maybe revisit this request. I HATE trying to figure out which notes are relevant and would love to be able to even just categorize them. Maybe folders? I could name one Archive for things I don't need to be on. It's just odd that this is the only place I can't remove myself from something shared with me.
Anonymous commented
THIS RIGHT HERE makes using the Box Note browser and app versions all but unusable for me. I hate that I see EVERYTHING I have ever even glanced at, whether it is relevant to me or not, in the default view. If I could even decide to just have Favorites as my default view, even that would be an improvement, but no - I have to remember the extra clicks - first to favorite, then to click the star when I go to the Box Note landing page.
Anonymous commented
Agreed, I'm not able to use my inbox effectively because it is cluttered with Box notes that my colleagues are working on, but which are no longer relevant to my work.
Anonymous commented
The lack of the ability to manage and delete box notes for which you no longer have a need makes this feature useless. It's a garbage dump, nothing more.
Anonymous commented
I posted this as feedback to the decision about not putting this feature on the roadmap, but want to make sure it is logged publicly as well.
I'm wondering if this decision puts this idea on the back burner for a period of time or if it moves it to the bit bucket to not be considered again.
I'm disappointed that this feature is not seen as a priority by Box. If Box Notes is a feature used internally, I cannot believe it is not a commonly complained about issue. It makes no sense that I cannot remove a Note from my view in which I am no longer interested or involved. If I look at a Note one time to see what it is, it is forever stuck in my list. That would not be a problem if it stayed down in the list around when I looked at it, but as is, every time someone updates that note it jumps back to the top of my list. I cannot simply remove myself from the folders containing these notes because I need the other information, just not some particular Notes.
Please reconsider this issue and talk to your heavy or even occasional Box Notes users internally to see how important Notes organization could be to their workflow.
Anonymous commented
Another Vote for this. I now have colleagues that have left my company and I am stuck with their Box Notes forever.
Anonymous commented
Another vote for this feature - my BOX note list has items frequently moving to the top that are now irrelevant to me and creating chaos.
I use Box notes quite frequently and really love them! However, this is starting to drive me away from BOX notes due to the clutter. -
Anonymous commented
Another vote to get this feature implemented, stat! We have departmental folders to which I will always need to retain access. If I ever do so much as read a Box Note someone created under that department folder (or any level deeper), it is forever in my list of notes and keeps moving itself to the top any time someone updates it. Many of these are something I read one time and don't need to follow every little update so I need the ability to hide them or put them in a folder which I can ignore.
Anonymous commented
How this was not implemented from day one is beyond me.
Anonymous commented
Echoing the need for this feature! My Box Note Inbox is clogged with notes from more than a year ago.