Bulk API support
It would be great if we have a bulk API option. I would like to pass in the list of entity ids(could be files, folders users etc) and get back the results. This will reduce the number of api calls we do to get all the information.
We try to manage client's storage accounts and the main problem is with rate limiting for a large clients.
Implementation can vary, either limit the response size or provide an ack id and developers can poll for the id and get the data back once the api is ready to spit out the data in form of CSV. This would greatly help us reduce the api calls

Thank you for the suggestion. This is an interesting idea but not one we currently have on the roadmap. In the mean time, you can apply techniques such as caching (i.e. fetch what you need once for a session and keep it in local storage) to reduce round-trips, and the use the ?fields query string parameter to request only the minimal set of fields you need, which can reduce API response times.
Anonymous commented
Trying to get more information on the use of APIs and integrators I came across this post, I see that apparently it is no longer considered, it is unfortunate as the information available in the platform activity report is too limited, it is not useful for an enterprise customer with several integrations in the tenant.
Crema Design Studio commented
I've found not having bulk API support for GET requests is frustrating too. Until then, have you considered this possible workaround?
Make ONE request at the beginning of the session and storing all the files to a JSON object. That way, you could perform all filtering queries on that object, instead of making multiple API calls.