Create a hyperlink to a point within the same note
Box Notes are wonderful, but after a certain length, they can become unwieldy to navigate. Other services, including Dropbox, offer the ability to hyperlink to a headlines section (text marked as H1, H2) to create a functional contents segment.
Please could we have the ability to hyperlink within documents, at leas to text tagged as a header

Will be on the roadmap in the future
Anonymous commented
This is a MUST HAVE! Not all users follow the same rules for contributing information, so even though logical to request new info is added to the top of a note, some teams just don't use this approach.
Plus one can't use highlight and link in Chrome to take people to specific content, so no known work-around.
Anonymous commented
yes, please!
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to be able to create hyperlinks in Box Notes.
Naohito Fujikura commented
Totally agree.
Anonymous commented
Similar to this suggestion:
And yes please!
Sarah Williams commented
Similar to anchors within a webpage, this request is to set a shared link so that it will open a file on a specific page instead of the beginning of the document.