Box Shield inherit classification on move/copy, not only on upload
Box Shield needs to have the ability for files to inherit the classification of the containing folder during a move or copy. Currently, a file will only inherit the classification if it is uploaded to the folder with a certain classification. Example:
File A has a classification of "Confidential" and is moved/copied to a folder that has an "Internal" classification. File A will not automatically inherit the "Internal" permission, and it either needs to be manually changed to "Internal", or have the entire containing folder re-classified as "Internal" so that all containing files then inherit the "Internal" classification.
However, if File A is uploaded directly to a folder, it will automatically inherit the containing folder's classification.

AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
It is intentional. Classification of a file is based on content and thus should not change when it is moved/copied to a different folder. Moreover, classification of a file should move with the file during copy/move cases so that accidental copy/move operation to a less sensitive folder doesn't lead to data leakage. No plan to change the behavior.
If it is just one file, suggest manually changing classification. If there are a number of files, suggest moving the files to the destination folder and setting classification for the folder again with selecting "overwrite all existing classifications with this value".(Edited by admin)