Allow default sorting to "Favorites" and created "Collections" so that they appear alphabetically.
If you have dozens or hundreds of folders in your "Favorites" and they are not sorted alphabetically, then it is nearly impossible to find your subject folder. Just make Favorites and Collections default sort alphabetically or give us the choice to set the default. Other people may want the last visited folder to be at the top, but still others may want to see it alphabetically. Please give us the option to do so as a default treatment.

Thanks for the feedback. Favorites and collections are now sorted alphabetically in the left sidebar.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
The list of Favorites should be sorted alphabetically again.
With the most recent update, the items listed under My Collections/Favorites is now sorted by date modified, most recent on top. It is very difficult to find the correct folders to upload to.
Please make the sidebar Favorites items sort-able or alphabetical again. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
This problem only started today (12 August 2020) after sorting alphabetically for the past 6 years! What changed today?
Anonymous commented
Our users are beyond frustrated at this. It is a huge miss by Box product management to have not included this. We are getting so many complaints that we are considering turning the new UI off.
Anonymous commented
I agree, was posting this comment, too. A couple of more mouse clicks for nothing. Also, I find the new colors configuration/layout distracting from a UI perspective.
Anonymous commented
Definitely need to revert back to the prior capability of sorting Favorites alphabetically. It now takes almost as long to find something in Favorites as it does without having it as a Favorite. Absolutely a downgrade.
Anonymous commented
Before the recent UI upgrade, I was able to sort my Favorites on the left pane alphabetically, but I am no longer able to do so. This is a significant downgrade in functionality from the previous UI version, and one that affects my daily usage of the application. Not good. Please enable this functionality again.
Anonymous commented
Need the option to sort favorites (collection) alphabetically. It takes significant time to locate information now. How do I revert back to the old version until this is ready?
Matthew Ryan commented
Upvoting to retain the sort within Collections specifically.
Anonymous commented
The new version of BOX, does not sort the favorites alphabetically anymore. Please change this back to sorting that way as it is not user friends and defeats the purpose of a quick way to sort to find your client. Not a fan of this new version of BOX.
Anonymous commented
Agree with Tyler below. We need to have Favorites (in the side bar) defaulted to Sort Alphabetically. We should not have to click to have the Favorites show up in the center.
Tyler Yates commented
Prior to enabling Box Collections user's favourtites were sorted alphabetically, this has changed with the introduction of Box Collections. We would like to see the Favourites (as displayed in the left hand navigation pane) return to being sorted alphabetically.