Accessibility - Update 'Not Part of [Organization]?' text on company-specific URL's to indicate that it is a link for screen readers
We have a company URL, for example; there is a link that reads, "Not a part of [organization]?" Clicking it brings you to the generic Box login page. However, this text is not handled correctly by screen readers. We propose that this should be updated for the benefit of our current and future clients who may rely on a screen reader.
From our accessibility department: "So when the screen reader gets to that line, it does not indicate that it needs to be clicked "if you are not part of [the organization]." It is vague, and does not guide a vision impaired user to the correct action, assuming they’re not [a member of the organization]."

Ian Crew commented
Agreed. To go a little further, this screen is incredibly vague and confusing even for people who are not using assistive technologies.
As most people do not have more than one Box account, it seems that it would be even more preferable if Box could just set a cookie where Box would know which organization a person is a part of, and not need to show this screen at all.
Ian Crew
University of California, Berkeley