Re-implement Windows shell icon overlays - Fix it permanently
This is an age old problem that is getting more and more common and you even have it covered here -
Now in Windows 10, if we rename the registry keys, the moment the computer restarts OneDrive changes the keys again so that the box icons are not showing.
According to Microsoft this should be attacked in a more modern way

Anonymous commented
This is super annoying in environments that use Onedrive and Box Drive. Please resolve.
Vincent commented
As a workaround, it would be great if Box would:
- Use a single icon for BoxLocked and BoxLockedByOther and BoxWCollabLock
- Rename the ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers so that they are listed in order of importance. My take would be:
1. Available Offline
2. Locked
3. Problem
4. Syncing
5. Synced (placing this one last as that would be considered ‘default’ unless it’s any of the above)In this way and even with OneDrive installed, all icons would display (unless additional applications are installed that take up space).