How does "Restore All" in Trash work?
From my testing, it appears when you have a bunch of content deleted out of order (from bottom up rather than top down) in your trash and you click "Restore All", Box will not automatically restore everything back in the appropriate order, but rather will start restoring until it reaches an item without a parent folder. It will then initiate the "The folder(s) where one or more of the selected items were originally located no longer exist" pop-up. Is this expected behavior? Here is a screen recording of my testing:

Matt Stofka commented
This demo that zslavik posted was great...and yeah it's a problem. That "Restore All" button is fine for individual user accounts, but should be eliminated for users on Enterprise Accounts who have access to lots of shared folders and may have many years of deleted items in their trash. It would be an nightmare to fix if an end-user tapped that button.
There's another Pulse thread about removing the "Restore All" function altogether (or my suggestion of allowing Admins to disable it for non-admins):