Ability to get list of annotations through an API
I would like to use API to get a list of annotations for a file.
I can use the API to get comments on a file, but not the annotations.
Could you please implement such an API?
For example, something like this.
(e.g.) [GET] https://api.box.com/2.0/files/:file_id/annotations/

Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
When using Box functionality to create an 'Object, review and Approve' mechanism it is important for both the document author to know that they have addressed all comments but also important for the commenter to see how their comment has been addressed. The ability to export Annotations helps provide an audit trail.
The comment count in the Box GUI against a document implies all entries are comments but the comment count includes annotations, mentions and comments. The API only allows comments. The great advantage of annotations for a review process is that it allows the 'comment' to be associated with a specific part of the document. -
John Berry commented
Seems illogical tome that Annotations are shown as comments in the Web GU,but then are not retrievable via the API, it makes any Box based reporting quite lacking.