Inactive Status - Should have visual indicator that shows the account is inactive when user is still a collaborator on folder/file
When I change a user to inactive in the admin console, The user is still a collaborator on a folder or file. There is no way for the active folder collaborators to know if people are active or inactive. The inactive user should either appear greyed out in the list of users or have an red x or something to indicate this user is no longer active. You would become aware if you try to send a comment or at mention to the inactive user it will not pop up but that still doesnt emphasis that person is no longer here, you may think its an issue with Box. Not all companies want to delete their users. So when we make them inactive and we dont have a solution to remove them from the folders they have access to, it would be good if there was some sort of visual indicator and this might make the owner or co-owner manual remove them then. Thank you

Jasmine Wade commented
For the Admin and Co-Admins, when searching in the Content Manager using the folder name, it looks like it is a regular folder, with an Owner, Co-owners, Editors, etc. Therefore in a troubleshooting scenario it is not easy to realize that this is a folder owned by a user who is Inactive.
Also, for the end-users who are Collaborators in said folder, it seems that the data is gone, and creates unnecessary panic. Again, if there was a way to tell (visually or otherwise) the user why their folder is invisible, it would help.