Box Sign template for different document not perfile/ document basis.
Box Sign template for different document not perfile/ document basis. Would like to make Box sign field as template. So we can utlize the tempalte to different file/document.

The current supported functionality is "Replace document".
- Create a template with all necessary fields
- Use template
- In the top of the document click the three dots icon and select "Replace"
It will allow you to replace the document, but keep all of the fields that you added previously.
Please let me know if this solves your problem.
Anonymous commented
I agree! We have a form letter with multiple initial fields and signature lines; however, we need to modify the form letter for each customer/member project details before sending. A template that can be applied to different documents would be ideal. Eliminate the requirement to recreate the fields on each new form letter. Our work around was to use text fields to enter project specific details, but this is not seamless in appearance (font, flow, etc...).