Need to see a setting button added to the Box Mobile shooting mode screen to "select photo quality"
When capturing photos directly for inclusion in Box Notes, the high camera performance of the iPhone results in large file sizes for each individual photo.
As a consequence, it takes a considerable amount of time for photo to be displayed(uploaded) within the Box Notes.
To address this issue, I would appreciate it if the option to "select photo quality" could be extended to the camera capture mode as well.
Currently, the option to "select photo quality" is available only in the continuous capture mode.
By enabling this feature in the standard camera mode, users would have the flexibility to adjust the image quality based on their preferences, potentially reducing the file size and improving the speed of displaying and uploading photos within Box Notes.
I believe that this enhancement would greatly enhance the user experience and efficiency when working with photos in the Box Notes!
Box Notesに掲載する写真を直接撮影する場合、iPhoneのカメラ性能が高いため、個々の写真のファイルサイズが大きくなってしまいます。
その結果、Box Notes内に写真が表示(アップロード)されるまでにかなりの時間がかかってしまいます。
現在、"写真の画質を選択する "オプションは、連続キャプチャモードでのみ利用可能です。