Automatically add date and time to all signature fields
Currently, you need to manually add the date field to a sign request. The date field and timestamp of signature should automatically be added to all signature fields, as this information is always needed to validate a signature as an official document. The signing log, where this information is collected today, is often separated from the signed file and calls into question official status of the signature.

Anonymous commented
Using BoxSign internally, the document becomes an internal control material as a trail of approval from an authorized person.
When a third party confirms the document as a trail, the signature of the approver and the approval date can be identified at a glance, which reduces the burden of checking. -
Anonymous commented
When signing a document, we can use three types of signature fields:
StampIn addition to these, I would like a signature field where the signature with signature date is displayed.
Anonymous commented
I have been using Box Sign to have clients sign real estate purchase/sale contracts. I have a need for the "date stamp" function to also capture the time that the document was signed.
Please make this improvement. Otherwise the service is working great mor me.
Anonymous commented
I have been using Box Sign to have clients sign real estate purchase/sale contracts. I have a need for the "date stamp" function to also capture the time that the document was signed.
Please make this improvement. Otherwise the service is working great mor me.
Anonymous commented
I have a lot of users that would love to use box Sign but see the additional (easy to miss) step of adding the date manually as a deterrent to adoption and scaling. Our Agency uses several other eSig options in day to day business and all of these include an automatic date stamp as part of the eSig. This is one of the few places I feel like box is behind other software solutions and really hope this get's fixed. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Very much needed.
Anonymous commented
Adding a field in Box Sign that tracks the date and time the document was received by the signer.
Cristyn Kells commented
Having a timestamp appear within the e-signature is crucial to our work and without it we cannot adopt BoxSign and have to continue using Adobe. Please implement both a timestamp that can be drag-n-dropped as well as a Timestamped Signature that can be drag-n-dropped because it's too laborious to have to drag more than one item and position them in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Anonymous commented
Adobe Acrobat shows the Date and Time in the signed document. Our users are redundant to switch to using Box Sign without the timestamp.
Anonymous commented
This feature would be welcomed with open arms! My judges are using boxsign to sign orders but some orders require and timestamp as well. The options are to then sign in Adobe leveraging box tools and dragging in a text input field and manually entering the time.
Adminjimd (Admin, Box) commented
The Box Sign Date field currently only displays the month/date/year. It would be great if it also had a time stamp. Currently I must go into the signing log to see the exact time the signature occurred.
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to have the signature show it's time stamp, similar to DocuSign/Adobe when signing the document? This will help with some legal departments refusing digital signatures that aren't from those software.