Unable to add a content to a Hub site due to folder settings and Enterprise settings
When an user who is invited as editor to contents at folder level or file level tries to choose q folder or file to add a Hub site, those files and folders are grayed out and unable to choose.
this is due to the invite is limited at enterprise setting or folder setting as below.
/ At Enterprise settings, Box amin checks "only the admin, fokder owner and co-owers can nvite collaborators"
/At folder settings, "only folder owenrs and co-owners can send collaborators invites" is checked
This is bit strange because the user is editor, but it seems that adding a contents to a Hub is seen as invite collaborators.
Could you reconsider this design?
Could you think separate adding a content to a Hub and invite collaborators?
nii commented
A full change isn’t necessary, but we would like you to plan to add an option to work around this issue. Many Japanese companies use this setting, which means that many users in Japan are unable to use Hubs.
Adminschiou (Admin, Box) commented
This change is not currently planned. Since Hubs is a new sharing capability, we use the "can add collaborator" permission to ensure that the user who is adding content to a hub has permission to grant others access to the file/folder.