Sheild > [Download and Print Restriction], if "For Box Desktop" is enabled, the Office co-editing function should be available via a browser
Sheild > [Download and Print Restriction], if "For Box Desktop" is enabled, the Office co-editing function should be available via a browser.
We have applied Box Shield's [Download and Print Restriction] to "For Box Desktop" and [Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics] via browser is also disabled.
Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics] via a browser is also disabled.
Similarly, Office co-editing functions that are opened via a browser should not be restricted, since access in BoxEdit is not restricted.
Errors in opening the file in the browser cause confusion for the user.
Also, please add the following explanation to the Access Policy Settings screen for clarity until the modification.
"For Box Web App" does not include web editing of [Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics]
Sheild > [Download and Print Restriction]において、”For Box Desktop”を有効化した場合、ブラウザ経由でOffice共同編集機能を利用可能とすべき
Box Shieldのダウンロードと印刷の制限をデスクトップのみに適用するとブラウザ経由のOffice共同編集も使えなくなります。
「For Box Web App」には[Office共同編集機能]のWeb編集は含まれない

Anonymous commented
Please correct the following sentence:
以下の文章を訂正します。Also, please add the following explanation to the Access Policy Settings screen for clarity until the modification.
"For Box Web App" does not include web editing of [Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics]また、改修までは分かりやすくアクセスポリシーの設定画面に以下の説明を追記してください。
「For Box Web App」には[Office共同編集機能]のWeb編集は含まれない〈Correct Sentence〉
Also, please add the following explanation to the Access Policy Settings screen for clarity until the modification.
[For Desktop] applies to both BoxDrive and Web Open Office co-authoring features.また、改修までは分かりやすくアクセスポリシーの設定画面に以下の説明を追記してください。