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141 results found
Display metadata in Box Drive
It would be nice to see input metadata for files in the Box Drive file system.
7 votes -
Universally apply multiple templates to a file
Universal metadata fields:
Today, metadata tagging is not universal. This customer sets the metadata tags for particular folders, and one of the universal tags is Community Name. They want to set up that metadata list on multiple file hierarchies; but they can't currently use the same metadata lists over and over again.
Not every employee can see entire file structure; it's not owned by one person; when you define metadata as a list in Box - you apply it at a folder level, but we have non-overlapping folders that need same metadata.
A metadata template can be applied, but within…7 votes -
Metadata template dropdown menu
The ability to sort items on dropdown menu when creating/editing metadata template.
7 votes -
Present metadata more prominent when selecting a file from a folder file list
Metadata will be shown for a selected file in the lowest level of the Details area. Practically no user knows that metadata exists for that file. So metadata should be presented more prominent, or get an extra area.
7 votes -
We need to have AND support in Metadata multi-select fields
There needs to be an option, in searching for Metadata attributes which are multi-select, to choose AND or OR relationships between the chosen attributes.
6 votes -
Ability to type metadata date in addition to using the date picker on metadata templates
Selecting dates far in the future or past is tedious. Selecting the year 1920, for example, requires clicking into the year dropdown menu in 10 year increments (9 clicks!). It would be a lot easier to type in the date desired.
6 votes -
Bulk assign metadata attributes to multiple folders/files at one time
We were a previous heavy user of tags and our users enjoyed the ability to assign tags to multiple files at once in the old UI.
Because they have tens of thousands of users deployed, they often have the same attribute needed to be assigned to many files.
6 votesWhile we recognize the importance of this feature, it is not something we plan to introduce in the near term. We will certainly keep this in mind for future roadmap inclusion and we will keep the status of this request updated to accurately reflect our current position.
6 votes
Upload data with binary
Allow to attach additional data points (metadata) while uploading the binary file to Box.
Currently we have to make separate API call to Box's metadata endpoint.
This would be very useful as could simplify our flows and reduce API calls.5 votes -
Metadata overlay as header / footer or document watermark
Legacy ECM technology can overlay metadata attributes directly on versions of the document or when the document is printed. Metadata overlays are used for audit trails, SOPs, and other "point-in-time" compliance & records management use cases. In order to provide capabilities on par with legacy ECM technology, Box should consider additional advanced metadata features, such as printing or watermarking certain file types with attributes.
5 votes -
Sort metadata templates / メタデータテンプレートの並び替え
Metadata templates are arranged in ascending order based on "the template key".
"The template key" often do not match with custom templates written in Japanese, so this specification is inconvenient for users looking for these.We would like the administrator to be able to freely change the display order in the Admin Console.
管理者が自由に表示順を変更できるようにしてください。5 votes -
HASANY/HASALL implementation of metadata queries / メタデータクエリのHASANY/HASALLの実装
I would like to implement HASANY/HASALL for metadata queries.
We have implemented it in the released functionality with reference to the Metadata Query Toolkit, but suddenly it is no longer available and we are having trouble. The answer was that there is no alternative.
Metadata Query Toolkitを参考に、リリース済みの機能に実装しておりましたが突然使えなくなり困っております。また代替え案もないとの回答でした。
5 votes -
Increase metadata field API limit from 3 fields to 5+ or more
Currently, when searching for content using the API, you aren't able to receive results for more than 3 specified metadata fields in the query. If you search for content with fields A, B, C, D, you will only see results for A, B, C. This scale limitation impacts organizations that heavily rely on metadata for use cases at scale.
5 votes -
Add metadata to multiple files (without using a folder cascade)
I was wondering if it would be possible to add the possibility to add metadata to different pictures/files at the same time. We know it's possible to add meta data to a whole folder, but we would like the same to be possible for a selection of pictures within a folder. It is possible to add tags in this way, but not meta data.
5 votes -
Download with Metadata
I would like the option to download a file with its metadata added as a cover page.
It wouldn't need to be formatted nicely, just anything that keeps the metadata easy to see once the file is downloaded.
5 votes -
Ability to track metadata template history
I would like to have ablity to track history for metadata templates in user activity report or security report to know who has created/edited/deleted templates, and what has been changed at what timestamp.
5 votes -
Uploader Name in Metadata / extractable form
Hey there, would love to have the ability to take the uploader name from the metadata, or something similar. Our workflows require files to be renamed for archive with that information, and having it in a metadata form would enable us to fully automate that process, rather than have it semi-automated as it is currently. Thank you.
5 votes -
I want to lock an instance's value of a metadata template
Given that a template has multi-select that has A, B and C as value. Currently, if a user has attached an Instance of a Template to a file, on that Instance, a multi-select field has the value of “B”. If the Template is updated so that multi-select option “B” is changed to “D”, then that change will also affect the value in the Instance (and all other Instances of the Template). Because the value of “B” no longer exists as a valid option on the Template, Box cannot keep that value in the Instance. Similarly, if the option “B” was…
5 votes -
The ability to make Metadata through Box Capture searchable
We would like to search for metadata uploaded by Box Capture
5 votes -
Provide enterprise configuration of folder metadata cascade
- Provide an enterprise configuration option that would allow viewing/editing/adding folder level metadata without also enabling the ability to cascade metadata.
- Provide an enterprise configuration option that would limit the ability to initiate cascading metadata to owners and co-owners.
- Provide an enterprise configuration option that would limit the ability of a template to be cascaded.
5 votes
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