Export Groups - Add an 'Export Groups' Button to Groups Summary Page & Individual Group Page
There is currently no way for admins to export a report (xlsx) of their Groups - whether at the summary Groups level or at the individual Group level
This is problematic for companies that have pages and pages of Groups in the Admin Console, or want to manage just one group (as the current Export Users report from the Users page - the only place any Group info IS currently exported - exports ALL users in an EID, which is overload).
REQUEST 1: Groups Summary Export - Desired Columns:
1 Row per Group / Mirror the Columns on the Groups Page
--Group Name
--# of Users in Group
--# of Folders the Group is Added to
REQUEST 2: Individual Group-Level Export - Desired Columns:
1 Row per User in Group
--Group Member Name
--Group Member Email
--Group Member Role (Member or Admin/Team Lead)
On a separate tab of the export
1 Row per folder that the Group is collaborated on
--Folder Name
--Folder Owner
--Group's Permission to that Folder

Interesting idea, but unlikely to be prioritized this year.
Anonymous commented
It's 2024, and as far as I can tell this feature does not exist. Would be really helpful.
Anonymous commented
It's now Nov 2021, I've just been to another Box Admin webinar and asked this question and of course they just pushed me to this Pulse page. My company now has 190 collaboration groups, with each group averaging 10-5 users. But still no progress and no plan of making this happen.
Anonymous commented
When managing groups of hundreds of users, an XL export (or CSV) becomes mandatory to be able to check membership, and run analysis. This is a basic feature which doesn't look very complex from a technical prospective. Please revise your decision from 2016. We are nearly in 2022 now !?
Anonymous commented
This seems like a big oversight. As this user suggests, we have several hundred groups spread across 3 pages, so it is cumbersome to manage. I would like to be able to easily export the list for review. even just an export of the basic columns would be helpful - Group Name, Group Admin, Total Members, Total Folders, Date Created
Anonymous commented
There appears to be an outstanding request for this information from 2016.
Here is an instance where we would need to have the string of text segmented out to each cell:
GROUPS: IQ - ALL;Bellisio Foods - All Box Users;IQ - Corporate Quality;IQ - JAX;IQ - Corporate R&D;IQ - JAX Quality;IQ - JAX R&D;Box Super UsersThis is not sortable or usable.
**Another feature would be to be able to export the users that are in that specific group-I can only view the users and not export the content.
Alfaro, Vladimir commented
this goes back to 2016 and still not done!!! I completely support this idea! The reporting functionality is really lacking and this new report would give us Admin some of the reporting we need.