Report showing how many files/folders have not been accessed in the past 12 months

We are currently considering how to address customers’ needs for dealing with inactive content.
Reporting functionality for inactive content will be considered at a later date as we enable our customers to manage such content.
AdminKyle Adams (Admin, Box) commented
Its easy to find active or popular files through the User Activity Report, Enterprise Events API, and File Access Stats.
However, its very difficult to identify content ROT (Redundant, Outdated, Trivial). The definition of ROT may vary for each organization. Example: For a given date range, provide a list of files that have NOT been Previewed, Downloaded, Commented upon, Copied, Moved, Locked, Unlocked, Uploaded, Shared, Add/Removed Watermarked, etc.
Providing a mechanism to identify ROT will improve folder browsing use cases for end-user personas.