Image Shared Link Permissions should Match the Box Note's Shared Link Permission
For example, when a Box Note's shared link is set to 'people with the link', all images in the Box Note should also automatically be updated to be 'people with the link' links.
The current issue is that when I set a Box Note's link to 'people with the link' but my company's shared link default is 'people in your company', all the embedded images in the Box Note are still set to 'people in your company', meaning if a non-authenticated user accesses the 'people with the link' Box Note link, they'll see 'insufficient privileges' for all the images in the Note.

Thank you for the feedback. We understand that the current permissions behavior for Box Notes images is not necessarily intuitive, and are actively looking into ways to improve that user experience. We don’t yet have a timeline for delivery, but will update here when its available.
Anonymous commented
Current permissions behavior is still not and never has been intuitive. For the past hour, I've been trying to figure out even HOW to tell the folder owner how to adjust permissions so we can all see images in a shared note my team is collaborating on and I have no clue.
Moved the thing to OneNote (gag) and it works right away albeit in an interface that's a dead ringer for Word97.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE fix this! It really creates a ton of issues with being able to easily share box notes. Which negates a lot of the benefits of using box notes in the first place. Or at the very LEAST give us clear instructions on how to make sure the images can show up for people viewing the box note. Right now it's basically a mystery to me.....Sometimes I can get it to work and other times seemingly no matter what I do others can't see the images.
Jonathan commented
Yes 100%. This is the #1 problem with Box that we face.
Anonymous commented
You've had this feedback since 2016, l with 26 votes for it:
You last commented on it over a year ago.
Your obvious competitor: google docs does this intuitvely and simply.
This is probably the one thing that causes the most user pain in your entire product.
What are you doing about it?
When? -
Jake commented
Agreed, embedded images should be viewable by users who have a shared link. If the text is visible, so should images.
Anonymous commented
I suggest embedding images as heredocs instead. Looks like a .boxnote file is JSON; the image heredocs could be stored as base64-encoded strings.
Ignore my suggestion if it is known that this would cause UI performance to suffer.